Chef’s Corner: Marinade time!
Recipe- Marinade time! Do you feel it? The sun is going down a bit later each evening, and the deck is calling you. It’s grill season! With that in mind, Chef Jonathon shares a couple…
There’s always something happening at Vista Verde Ranch. Foals are born, new recipes are created, or the wranglers are playing tricks on each other. Come here to read the latest news!
Recipe- Marinade time! Do you feel it? The sun is going down a bit later each evening, and the deck is calling you. It’s grill season! With that in mind, Chef Jonathon shares a couple…
Bookings for summer While technically summer does not begin until the solstice on June 21, the dude ranch season kicks off here this weekend. We have noticed a few cases of “vacationitis” going around as…
In the early days of dude ranching, the staffing model often looked like owners working 7 days a week all summer long, with a handful of college students coming in to spend their summer fixing…
While we don’t promote Vista Verde Ranch as a destination just for fishing, we have found it to be a pretty perfect spot for folks who want to include guided fishing on their vacation while…
Looking for a way to get some healthy greens into your kids to power them up for school, or just need an easy weeknight recipe? Try the VVR Power Greens Salad, pair it with grilled…
There is a well-known quote in the horse world that horses offer a mirror to your soul. Whether you like it or not, your horse is sending messages to you, reflecting to you what they…
We had a guest visit us earlier this summer who came to Vista Verde in 1985 and was coming back to share the experience with her grandson. She brought a folder of brochures and a…
It’s BBQ season, and with that comes BBQ sauce. The other day, standing next to Chef Jonathon at the grill, I got a short course in BBQ sauces that was eye-opening for this non-foodie gal.…
It is an honor to receive the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for our Cellar Wine list once again. With over 300 wines on the VVR wine list, we have more wine choices than horses!…
If you haven’t experienced a summer storm here in Colorado, it goes something like this: It’s clear and sunny, and you’re out enjoying a nice time on the trail. Slowly some clouds move in, and…
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