Fine Dining Vista Verde Ranch

Five Ways to Use Sunchokes in Your Next Meal

Meet the mighty sunchoke! Helianthus tuberosus, also known as the Earth Apple, Sunroot, Sunchoke or Jerusalem Artichoke, is a gnarly tuber that comes from a wild sunflower native to central North America! It was then brought back to Europe where it is now widely planted and “naturalized.” Here at Vista Verde Ranch, we get them from…

Chef’s Corner: Tajin Roasted Potatoes

What is Tajin? It’s a delicious chili/lime seasoning powder. This dish has been the star of the show at Taco Tuesdays this summer. Use your favorite queso to pair with these tangy potatoes. Tajin Roasted Potatoes Recipe Ingredients: 2 pounds Yukon gold potatoes cut into wedges. Salted water 2-4 tablespoons of Tajin seasoning 2-4 tablespoons…

Fine Dining at Vista Verde Ranch Colorado Vacation

Chef’s Corner: Summertime BBQ

It’s BBQ season, and with that comes BBQ sauce. The other day, standing next to Chef Jonathon at the grill, I got a short course in BBQ sauces that was eye-opening for this non-foodie gal. I had never paid attention to what sauces should be used with what meats, and the how and why behind…