Stubborn yet glorious fifty degree weather. Muddy pathways. A lively gushing river. And horse manure land mines defrosting all over the winter pasture… smells like Spring is in the air – that's the best at a dude ranch in Colorado!
…And a great hush fell over the crowd as the last of the our dude ranch guests said their goodbyes and waved us into our off season. Another successful winter! A sense of accomplishment stirred in our spirits as we immediately launched into spring cleaning mode, giving a spotless shine to the kitchen, dining room, lodge, and all the cabins. This was followed by a surge of spring fever that gave way to a delightful bike ride down to the river.
Practically overnight, the Nordic center, which has been a hub for cross country ski vacations all winter, has transitioned from a Skiers Paradise to a Biking Utopia. Walls lined with mountain bikes add a fresh new feel to the place and enhance the expectation that any day now we will all be able to see what is hidden underneath the snow… perhaps a lake, a stone pathway, a road less traveled by, or a personal item that fell out of someone’s pocket only to get dogpiled by pounds and pounds of winter resort snow.
Though, whatever the melting snow uncovers, I will be thrilled to see any color other than white! Snow is fun but when the weather is this nice my North Carolina roots cause me to ache for the blossoming pink & white cherry blossoms that splash the East Coast this time of year! Though I know better then to expect mud season to produce such delicate blossoms this early on when history proves we may still have a snow fall yet to come.
But no matter, l am bubbling over with excitement at the thought of biking down our driveway to the rushing river at the fork in the road, and seeing wildlife trickling in from who know where they’ve been hiding all winter! And once again my gleeful grin returns at the thought less work and more play–my very own ranch holiday!