Did You Know? Vista Verde Ranch has a Sister Property: Steamboat Lake Outpost!
Roughly two years ago Vista Verde Ranch acquired a sister property just up the road. While some of you may already be in the know, we wanted to make sure everyone is acquainted with our extended family and the unique experiences each property offers.
In 2021 the Jones family took advantage of the opportunity to invest in our community with the purchase of the Hahn’s Peak Roadhouse. A popular local watering hole and destination for hunters and outdoors people, the Joneses wanted to be a part of shaping the future vision for the Roadhouse. The past two years have been busy starting with a new name, extensive investment in facilities, and a whole new leadership team. The hopes and dreams for the property fill a wish list a mile long, and progress is being made one day at a time.
Both Vista Verde and the Steamboat Lake Outpost embrace similar core values and a meeting point for Old West and New West. Where Vista Verde is focused on the luxury aspect of an adventure vacation, the Steamboat Lake Outpost is designed to be more accessible to all types of visitors. Lodging in rustic cabins and hotel rooms is available, guided activities are options for day visitors and overnight guests alike, and the restaurant is a popular gathering place for locals as well as visitors staying over in the Steamboat Lake Park campground.
Why Being Siblings Is Awesome
So, why are we excited about being siblings? Well, because we get to combine forces between the two leadership teams to build consistency between the businesses, offer employment opportunities for people at different stages in their lives, and provide an immersion in this beautiful valley, an introduction to a healthy outdoor-focused lifestyle, and a place for more people to reconnect with what is really important.
We hope you get a chance to check out the Steamboat Lake Outpost, and if you’ve been coming to VVR for a while you might even recognize some familiar faces up there!