For those of you who follow us on Facebook, this is old news. But for the rest of you, I have to share the coolest experience we had just yesterday. Ben had been working away at his desk all morning and just felt the urge to step outside for some fresh air. It might have something to do with the insanely beautiful weather we’ve had this week, but I also had the urge to get outside so I was taking a lap around the ranch at the same time. I stopped by the Nordic center where Steve and Kelli are getting all the ski gear ready for the winter ranch season when Ben came hollering over the radio to look toward the Sunday pasture. Ben’s great timing put him looking right at a mama moose and her calf as they came through the pasture. The horses got all riled up, so they started running around, which made the moose a little nervous. With that, they jumped over the fence and headed towards the pond, right in front of the Lodge! We all watched as they ran through the compound, up behind the Zirkel cabin and then started making their way down the fence line to Coulton Creek. What a great moment! We have been seeing moose here for the past couple years, but not front and center like that. I wish I had a picture to share with you, but it all happened too fast for that. Thank you Mama moose and mooselina for the show! And great timing Ben!