By Steph

Something hit me the other day as I was talking to a couple guests at lunch.  They were telling me how they just love how we all seem to just be so happy.  What resonated with me was a word that I’ve heard over and over in that same context.  “Seem”  As I listened to Devyn (who was sitting next to me and also engaged in this conversation) explain, with her beaming smile and infectious laugh, how it’s really true that we’re all happy folks, I started to think about why is it that the guests regularly mention to me that they are pleasantly surprised at how happy we all “seem” to be.

Part of it is the people we hire at the ranch.  As Devyn was explaining, there are “Vista Verde people” and there are people who aren’t.  Nothing wrong with those folks, but we do tend to select a person who has a zest for life, a love of taking care of others, and a true investment in the human experience.  Oh, and they are typically pretty adventurous, educated, and interesting too.  So, take that, and then you add in…..

Nature and Endorphins.  Today I had an hour free at the end of the day before I had to pick up my kids.  I had a choice.  I could definitely have done a bit more work.  I could have gone all super-momish and finished up laundry, prepped dinner, etc…  I could have written this blog, as it was on my mile long to-do list for the day.  Like most of us, the list is never-ending.  Instead, I decided that I would be a fool if I didn’t take that 59.9 minutes and head into the woods.  I hopped on my trusty mountain bike (the horse wasn’t available at the moment) and took off on a trail.  About 30 minutes into the ride I had that moment.  Euphoria hit in.  The happy juice.  Fresh air, dirt, trees, leaves, sunshine, and a fair amount of sweat…..all of it came together and my soul was soaring.  Getting out in nature and sweating a bit makes us happy.  And, at the ranch, we get a lot of opportunities to do just that.

The internet stinks.  So, let’s be frank.  The internet access 25 miles outside of a small, rural Colorado town isn’t exactly lightening fast.  But, you know what?  Besides the frustrations that we all face (ok, even cowboys need to send emails and might even prefer to pay their bills online), disconnecting from the world a bit seems to change people.  We look around more.  We talk to each other more.  We go for moonlight hikes instead of streaming Netflix (now, having said that, Nathan is the biggest Netflix, the old fashion kind where you mail it in…, junkies out there).  But, I believe that stepping away from all that does make people a bit happier, once they accept it and embrace it. (PR disclaimer….guests can still access emails for those who need to work on vacation, and we are constantly exploring ways to increase the bandwidth as we do recognize that to function as a business we do need better access.)

What we do is fun.  In any business, and any time you are dealing with people, there are stresses.  But, what is so great about this business is that we get to see people when they are at their best.  We get you at your happiest times, and we get to play with you, share experiences with you, and become friends with you.  Sure, we throw our heart and souls into serving our guests, and that can exhaust even the chippiest Devyn out there.  But, what we get to do each day is fun.

So, don’t be fooled.  We can all get tired, we can all get stressed, we can all get grumpy.  Because, it’s just normal life for us with family issues, health issues, and an imperfect world.  Even through those down days, there is an inner happiness, a contentment, and a joy that oozes through.  But, just know that if you come here as a guest, I can assure you that it’s not an act.  It’s happiness.  Drink some of the Koolaid (aka Rocky Mountain spring water), and you might feel it too!