This week at the Ranch

Monday morning the construction crew rolled in ready to start work on a major renovation in our duplex cabin.  After spending all fall getting the plans ready to go, the finishes picked out, and planning the construction schedule, we are happy to see the project officially underway.

The duplex cabin looks out over the Winter pasture, and sitting on the deck in the hot tub in the evenings will be a great spot to watch the horses and even maybe wildlife as they settle in for the night.  The remodel will give each side a master suite with a king bed and a second bedroom with a queen bed.  And the view from the cozy living rooms will be tranquil.  Both units will have a distinct look and feel that Bill has been masterfully creating in his mind, and slowly putting together with each design element he selects.  North Fork will have a more polished and finished feel while South Fork will be a little less refined but still very upscale.  Each side is designed for a variety of users from two singles to a family with one child or a single parent with two children, and even two couples who want to travel together.

North Fork and South Fork are already being booked for the summer of 2016, and we’re excited to reveal the process as we move through the winter and into the spring.