This week at the Ranch

You know that saying all dressed up and no where to go?  Well, we’re kind of living that right now in the context of all ready to ski, but no snow to ski on yet.  See, this past spring we sold off our backcountry ski and boot inventory in preparation for switching over to a new ski and boot set up this winter.  We had our old fleet for a while, and the company who made the boots we used was no longer going to be making those boots.  So, with all that, it made for logical timing to start clean.  We had a big sale right when we closed and cleared out the fleet and then went to work finding the right replacement equipment.

Alpina turned out to be our answer, and just the other day the crates of Alpina Discovery BC skis, Alpina Montana boots, and Rottefella bindings arrived.  Beka got them all unloaded, and in the next few weeks she, Nate, Steve, and Kelli will be drilling and mounting bindings.  It’s pretty fun to see a whole pile of shiny new skis and beautiful boots (that, by the way, are super comfortable!).

So, give us a couple more weeks to enjoy getting out to hike on the trails, but then you can start your snow dances.  We’ll be ready for the ranch to switch over from Vista Verde to Vista Blanca, and we’ll be even more excited to try out the new gear.  Hopefully you can come out this winter and ski with us and try it out yourself!