We all have our “thing” that we’re into. At Vista Verde, many of us find our “thing” to be related to outdoor recreation. Rob loves fishing. Steve loves mountain biking. Dace and Ben love anything related to horses. The list goes on and on. But every once in a while one of us will find something to love that doesn’t involve being outside, even though that’s where we would all prefer to spend our free time. Kelli became involved in teaching yoga a couple years ago and I discovered the benefits of yoga for my aching lower back (aching at far too young of an age) during that time as well. As much as we try to convince the guys that they’ve got to give it a try, we just haven’t gotten there yet….and as much as we both love yoga, there is that side that yearns to be outside rather than in a room sweating it out. Kelli tried teaching yoga for our guests the past couple summers early in the morning on the fountain deck or in the kids cabin. But it was too cold, or not the right space, or not the right time for many. So, when Kelli came up with the idea of wild yoga, she nailed it. We have noticed that our guests have a hard time missing out on anything. You all seem to want to pack in as much as you can. In fact often times we have to encourage you to take a little time to just relax. It is vacation after all! But, with the mindset that no one wants to miss an activity, and the fact that we would rather be outside in our beautiful surroundings, Kelli will be offering Wild Yoga this summer. What’s that, you ask? Put on your hiking shoes and hike with Kelli or hop on a horse and ride with me out to a fabulously scenic spot where Kelli will lead a yoga practice in the quivering aspens (talk about taking tree pose literally). It’s the best of both worlds! This week we scoped out the perfect spot for the destination and are going to start working the area to smooth out the ground and get the area ready. I can’t wait! Maybe we’ll even be able to drag one of the guys out every now and then.