By Steph
There’s a little game we play with the kids who come to Vista Verde Ranch. It involves a moose name Willie and some bedtime snacks. You see, each evening the housekeeping fairies visit the cabins and leave a little something for mom and dad, along with a snack for the kids. The snack is guarded by Willie the Moose. However, most nights Willie gets a little sneaky and hides with the snack. All good and fun, right?
Well, not always. Yesterday, housekeeping fairy Emily was stumped when she came by to clean up one of the cabins in the morning. She couldn’t find Willie. He was missing. If you’ve been following us for a while, you may be aware of the Willie the Moose book, and may even have your own copy. If you’ve read the book, you know that Willie is a funny critter so maybe it’s not a surprise that he went hiding. (If you don’t have the book, pardon the shameless plug but you can buy one now!)
If you know housekeeping fairy Emily, you may also know that she is a wee bit vertically challenged, so it’s no surprise that it took her a while to find Willie. As you can see, he went for a bit of a climb overnight. But, fear not, he has been rescued and returned to his happy place in the cabin. However, let us just say it now to Jack and Austin. Game on. Good luck finding your snack tonight!