By Steph
I’ve fallen off the blogging bandwagon this off-season. It’s easy to do as it’s so quiet at the ranch and not much is happening. Well, a lot is happening but not so much that you really want to hear about. Let me tell you about the projects I’m working on! Nah, maybe interesting to me, but likely ho hum to you. Ben could tell you all sorts of new things on the insurance front. Woo hoo! Bill could take photos of every paint spot he’s repaired, the vent pipe he fixed (this is big news for those of us who were here in the fall….) and the new stain on the Lodge. Charlie could check in and report on financials. Snoring yet?
Off season is a great time at a dude ranch. Those of us still around get to knock out the projects we don’t have time for when we’re open with guests at the ranch. But, it’s not always the most news worthy time. I will tell you that it’s been one of the nicest falls we’ve had in a long time. Everyone has been on a bit of a high because of it. The warm and sunny weather lasted way longer than normal. There was about one week of mud, cold, and wet before Mother Nature turned on the winter season. Then, within about 5 days it went from dirt to snow, and we haven’t looked back yet. That’s how we like it!
Some folks are rolling in from vacation, some of us headed out for a bit. Many of us take Thanksgiving to go see family, as it is the one holiday we get to leave the ranch so we take advantage of that. Some of us stick around and band together to celebrate the holiday with the ranch family. Either way, we are so thankful that we get to live here, enjoy this amazing place, make our passion our work, and play with wonderful people.
While the snow piles up, we’ll continue to prepare for the winter season. December 13 is opening day, and by the looks of the reservation calendar, it’s shaping up to be a season filled with lots of fun people! Enjoy the upcoming holiday, and I’ll check back in when the staff arrives in early December.