Don’t panic, we haven’t added a new, crazy sport to our menu of activities. But maybe we should? Adventure Center director Steve King treated himself to a new toy for his….umm, 30th, birthday. After spending so many years guiding and riding 2 wheel mountain bikes, he thought he’d challenge himself to learn how to ride a unicycle. Since this birthday, he just hasn’t found the time to learn to ride it, but his daughter Maddie decided to play around with it this summer. We’ve watched her give it a try here and there, but she hadn’t quite mastered it until yesterday. It turns out one of our guests used to do a lot of unicycle riding so he saw Maddie goofing off and came over to give her a few tips. No more than a few minutes later, Maddie got it!
After watching Maddie grow up at the ranch over the years, it was so much fun to watch her take this new step, and even more fun to watch papa bear Steve look on with pride and excitement. Mom Kelli missed the moment, but I’m sure Maddie showed off to her later.
So, stay tuned…..who knows if in a couple years we might have a new program led by Maddie King herself. Mountain biking on unicyles. Wow, that might be a niche market.