We had some fun visitors stop by the other day to see the ranch. It was in the whirlwind of a Sunday turnover, as we were getting ready for some more families to arrive. All of us were running several directions at once. Lucky for me, I got a few minutes to show these gals around and hear their story. Elaine and Marlene are two women with a strong travel bug. After both of them got through raising children, and had some more free time, they decided to team up and start traveling the world. Their trips have been inspired by the book, “1000 Places to Visit Before You Die”. Their stop by on Sunday was because Vista Verde is part of this book. Little did they know that they would be visiting a luxury dude ranch in Colorado when they first took on this adventure!
I didn’t get a chance to spend too much time with these gals, but I was so taken by their travel stories and reason for their visit that I took a picture of them before they headed off to see the Zirkel Wilderness area, just up the road from the ranch.
If you get a chance, check out their website and learn about the Wild Women Wanderers.