A new name for the ranch has recently been put out there–The Love Factory. Once again, Vista Verde has turned out another round of engagements. Of course, it may have something to do with the age of our staff and the fact that we hire individuals who share a love of adventure, the outdoors, and serving others. But, we’d like to think there’s just something in the air here at VVR!
Grace and Christian met last winter, when Christian came in as a new ranch hand who found himself stopping by the housekeeping world headquarters often to just check in and see if the housekeepers, particularly the head housekeeper, needed anything. After dating all winter, taking a whirlwind spring road trip (the ultimate test of a budding relationship in my estimation), and then exploring the long term realities of their relationship this summer, Christian popped the question a few weeks ago up on top of Mt. Evans. No surprise that Grace said yes! Next up is a move to Georgia to get some time dating in the “real world,” before their May wedding.
On the heels of Grace and Christian’s engagement, a sparkly ring showed up on the hand of Melissa, our amazing pastry chef. After waltzing into the ranch last year, and capturing the heart of our loyal Nathan, the two of them are headed down the aisle this fall. There may not be two people more perfect for each other, and their relationship is a great testament to having patience and waiting for the right person to come along. No matter what pursuit these two follow, they both give it their all and don’t quit until the job is done. Nate has finally met his match in finding Melissa, and we’re thrilled, both for them and that we hope that means we’ll have an endless supply of pastries for several years to come!
Next up is Beka and Michael’s wedding in two weeks, which will be an intimate, casual wedding with a backdrop of golden aspens and brilliant fall colors. If you’ve ever needed a shot in your arm to remind you of young love and a romantic recharge, just come to Vista Verde, otherwise known as the Love Factory!