By Steph
Nature has a funny way of taking care of itself. Last summer was such a dry summer, that all we did was worry about water and fires. Luckily, the latter did not become a reality for us here in the Steamboat Springs area. We have been so happy to have more moisture this past winter, and are hoping for a summer with a few more rainstorms.
Just the other day, Charlie and Carson discovered an unexpected benefit of the dry weather last year. Because the grass didn’t grow as high last summer, another natural phenomenon took place. Little Lodgepole pine seedlings took hold and started to grow. You see, they needed to see the sun, and not be covered up in the thick grass that normally grows in this valley. So, with the excitement of new parents, Charlie and Carson have been busily staking out these little seedlings, in order to try to help bring them along their way as they begin their climb to the sky.
In addition to those little seedlings, we are also excited to see that our young trees that serve as Christmas trees for each of our families at Christmas time have taken root and are growing well. Each year, we get a tree for every family, place them in the Lodge, and each family who comes to the ranch for a Colorado Christmas vacation gets to make decorations and put them on their tree. It is a bit of a contest to see who has the best decorated tree. Then, come summer, we plant them around the ranch. It’s fun to have each family have a lasting mark on the ranch with their little family trees.
The forest changes, year after year, and we get to be humbled in recognition of the power of the natural world. Luckily, we get to enjoy the ride, and watch for a short time, the shifting patterns of the forest.