By Steph
We know our horses are tough and will go for miles and miles. Although we all work hard at the ranch, there is no doubt the our equine staff members work the hardest. They carry our guests with a willing attitude and caring demeanor through the woods and over mountains. The horses that make up the Vista Verde remuda are special beings, and only those who can handle the hard work and have kind hearts can make the cut. Even though I know that, I got a great reminder of how hard they work when Faye sent me her Fitbit report for her week at the ranch. Maybe you use Fitbit for your own personal fitness assessment and goals. But DB the horse was the one being tracked during a week earlier this month.
As you can see, Faye and DB covered some ground while they were out playing in the Colorado mountains. We’re a little concerned about their lack of sleep, and wonder where the party was all night? In the barn? Chasing owls and coyotes in the pasture? But, more than anything we are glad to see no change in weight. You know the food around here…..sometimes the calories burned don’t quite offset the extra intake.
Next up is to put a GPS tracker on DB so we can map out all their adventures.