By Steph
There are so many talented people who come through the gates of Vista Verde for a summer or winter vacation. We are reminded of this all the time, when we get to spend time with folks out on the trail or over a cup of coffee. My closet entrepreneurial side is always enamored by the stories of guests who have started their own businesses, maybe even sold them and moved on to another project. Then, I tend to feel in awe of those who dedicate their professional lives to the world of medicine or education. There are philanthropists doing great things for the human experience. And, there are amazing people supporting others in their professional lives as well as their personal passions. But, one of the more tangible talents that we see in our guests is the arts. Whether it’s the talented 10 year old Samantha blowing us away with her ukulele playing last summer, or John from England taking photos that should be sold in a gallery, or the photography of Debby Thomas, which is actually sold in galleries, there are so many guests who surprise us at the ranch. Most recently, Alphonso Foster sent me a photo of a painting he did of wrangler Dan after his family vacation a few years back.
Lucky us that we get to know the people who come here on vacation well enough to learn about some of their amazing talents. I’m sure there are so many that we don’t get to learn about, and wish we did! So, during this upcoming summer dude ranch season, please share your talents with us!