Adding a pool to our list of amenities was not an easy decision here at Vista Verde. We resisted it for years for many reasons. We didn’t want our dude ranch, although a luxury ranch, to feel too much like a resort. We didn’t want a pool to detract from the amazing activities for kids and teens, which is part of what makes this such an amazing family vacation. And, we were cognisant of the fact that a pool in this climate will go unused for more of the year than it is actually utilized.
So, after much planning and debate, the pool was added last fall and finished up this spring. There was much speculation about how it would play out to have a pool. Would we regret adding it? Would it be worthwhile? After more than 7 weeks of our summer dude ranch season I can confidently say, “Yes, it was the right choice”. The pool has been a great addition. It has helped get folks here who wouldn’t have considered us if we didn’t have a pool. Although, most of them have found out that it really doesn’t matter if we have a pool or not as they are too busy having fun with our large selection of activities. But, it has been a real bonus on warm afternoons before dinnertime when it feels good to just cool off a bit after an adventure out on the trail.
For those of you who have been wondering about it, here are some pictures finally. We hope you get a chance to enjoy it this summer! If not this year, come visit us next year for a wonderful dude ranch vacation!