Dace is busy putting the final touches on the roster for our summer staff. It hasn’t been too tough of a job this spring considering about 75% of the crew are returning staff so he hasn’t had to vet too many new applicants. So, who, you ask, is coming back? Here’s the quick rundown:
Kitchen– Chefs Matt and Pat will be back at it with Rob.
Dining room– Sallie is staying on to oversee the servers and to see what the ranch looks like without snow.
Kids and Teens– Ready? Mandy, Amanda, Chelsea, Lindsey, Grace and Jen.
Housekeepers– Teresa tried to leave, but couldn’t do it, and Amber is sticking around to see what’s under all that snow.
Wranglers– Johanna, Terry and Nicky of course. Then, Rachel is back in the saddle along with Nate, David, Amanda and Leslie.
Ranch Hands– Jess and Javin are tipping the scales to become lifers. Daniel (from winter) and Stephanie (from last summer) jump into the ranch hand crew this summer.
Fly fishing– Grahm is another one who can’t get rid of us.
Guides– Joining Steve and Kelli will be two return staff members, but new to the guide program- Bekah and Cliff. They are already starting some bike training with a spring trip to Moab!
Office– Christi sticks around for another season to keep Dace, Ben and Steph lined out. Thank goodness!
So there’s your sneak preview. If you want to know more, you’ll have to book a stay so you can get the full staff story and visit with all these incredible people!