Spring has spring in full force here in Colorado. We are busy getting ready to open for the dude ranch season on June 3. Between foals being born, grass sprouting, aspens starting to bud and flowers peeking out here and there, it definitely feels like spring is in the air.
The snow is melting off the highest peaks now, and the combination of the last white snow with the fresh green grass is stunning. We are putting the finishing touches on our summer program before guests show up for a ranch holiday.
Our staff arrive in a couple weeks, and then we will begin orientation. They will learn the ins and outs of what it takes to try to provide the best possible dude ranch vacation for our guests. It’s an intense time, but fun. Then, the guests arrive on June 3, and we will be off to the races.
For those looking ahead, come September, we do start offering our adult only vacation packages. During that month, the ranch becomes a great spot for those seeking an all-inclusive ranch resort vacation for adults only. Most of our regular activities are still offered, and we also have our cattle round up going on from September 2-30. The cattle round up takes our regular horseback riding vacation to a new level with lots of adventurous riding and a real job to get done on horseback.
We hope to have you join us this summer! Until then, we are having a ball watching spring progress here in the Colorado Rockies.