By Kelli
Transitioning from impromptu BBQ’s with the neighbors, pool parties with the kids, and summer vacations to VVR, to homework, after school activities and the early morning hustle and bustle can be exhausting and give you a sense of chaos! Change can be bumpy, so here are a few yoga poses to keep you grounded and help smooth out the transition to Fall.
“Easy” Pose
I put parenthesis around the word easy, because for some of us, sitting crossed legged is anything but easy. If you happen to be one of these people, sitting on a blanket or cushion will help.
Begin by crossing the legs and feeling both “sit” bones connected to the ground, sit up tall so that you are not rounded through the low back, bring a gentle awareness to the core, and keep your shoulder blades down the back, chest open.
Hold the pose for several minutes, feeling grounded, following the breath. Better yet, take this pose to the yard and enjoy watching the leaves fall. I love this pose! You can do it anywhere, like watching soccer practice, and no one even has to know you are “doing” yoga.
Warrior II
Practicing Warrior II pose not only stretches and strengthens the legs and shoulders but also increases stamina. And who couldn’t use more stamina!
- Place your feet three to four feet apart and raise your arms parallel to the floor with palms down.
- Turn your right foot slightly in and your left foot out 90 degrees to the left so the toes are pointing away from your body. Align your left heel with the right.
- Bend your left knee over the left ankle, causing the shin to be perpendicular to the floor. Bring your left thigh parallel to the floor, creating a 90- degree angle in your knee. Straighten your right leg and press your right heel out and down into the floor.
- Stretch your arms out, keeping them parallel to the floor. Imagine you are increasing the space between your shoulder blades as you spread your arms. Turn your head to the left as you look out over the fingers of your left hand. Keep your spine straight and perpendicular to the floor.
- Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute. When you are ready, come out of Warrior II Pose. Reverse your feet and repeat with the right side.
After practicing your Warrior II pose, you will have the courage to face the challenges of the day, knowing you have grounded yourself in strength, flexibility, and stamina!
Mountain Pose
A truly easy pose to practice anywhere, and at any time. Who hasn’t picked the “wrong” line at the grocery store, always when you are in a hurry to get somewhere else? Instead of feeling anxious and impatient, surrender to the moment and use the time to bring a calm, unshakable steadiness to the moment. Allowing you to let go of the anxiety and to respond with the fortitude of a mountain!
Stand with your feet at hip-width apart with equal weight on balls and heels. Draw energy up the quads and bring awareness to the core. Draw shoulder blades down the back, feeling an open chest. Practice a few deep breaths, especially if the shopper in front of you has just sent her kid to aisle 85 for a new carton of eggs!
Corpse Pose
Viewed as one of the most important poses in yoga, corpse pose rejuvenates and clears the mind providing you with the tools to deal with stress and emotions in your life. Practiced on a regular basis, its benefits are…
*Lowered blood pressure
*A decreased heart rate
*Slowed rate of respiration
*Decreased muscle tension
So the next time you need a “pick me up”, skip the cup of coffee and go lay in the backyard! Enjoy the cool grass, watch the clouds go by, and treat yourself to 10 minutes of relaxation. You are worth it!
Enjoy the last few months of Fall before Mother Nature closes up shop and covers the ground with a blanket of snow!