I got a laugh out of the staff room board yesterday morning (you may have to click on it to see it better). In many ways it represented to me what off season means to many of us here. During the guest season, we are happily totally immersed in taking care of all of our wonderful guests, and focused on what needs to be done each day. Come off season, the pace slows down a bit for most around the ranch, and it becomes a time of projects and checking items off the to-do list. Some of the projects are expected, some unexpected, like a water leak that interrupted Bill’s vacation plans (hence, the cussing).
The past couple weeks have been filled with beautiful weather, for the most part. Every once in a while we would get a cruddy, rainy, snowy, sleety day. But, other than that it was blue skies, mild temperatures and sunshine. All of us have been soaking it up as much as we can, as we know it wont last. Over the weekend, which most of us take off (except for a few who have to feed the horses still), and get to enjoy what it’s like for a weekend to be a weekend. Naps were taken on the lawn in front of the bunkhouse, leaves were raked at my house, some of us squeezed in the last bike ride or hike of the season, and we all just enjoyed the beautiful days. Now it’s gently snowing, and it’s time for a fire in the fireplace.
Speaking of fires in the fireplace, in a couple weeks, we’ll be hosting Jo and Javin’s wedding in front of the fire in the Great Room. Whether it’s snowing or sunny, we’re excited for a wonderful day for the two of them. Yes, photos will follow.
Dace has been busy working on finishing his hiring for the winter season. Between all of his interviews, reference calls and my reservation calls and inquiries, yesterday the phone rang off the hook. Both of us stopped and looked at each other at one point and laughed…..we thought off season was supposed to be relaxing! But, it’s exciting to be putting together another great team for the winter season, and I’m excited to have so many great folks interested in joining us- whether that be this coming winter season for a Colorado winter resort experience, or next summer for a dude ranch vacation. Both of them are filling up, so come on and join us if you haven’t made plans already!
Off to put another log on the fire. It might be time for a hot chocolate break for the ones working outside in the snow today…..I can always be coerced into joining them for a little afternoon pick me up.