To update you all on where we are in our summer dude ranch season, we have moved from our dude ranch for families time to adults only, and then adults only cattle round up weeks. This is our final cattle round up week, and also our final week of the season. We have had 4 total weeks of rounding up cattle, and have brought in about 250 head so far, so there is still some work to be done this week. While not all the guests at our Colorado lodge and resort participate in the cattle round up while on their ranch holiday, we have had a lot of folks heading out to ride the back country and find those critters.
The first week was the most successful, as we got the cows who seemed to be the most willing to be rounded up. The second week was the week of weather, with rain, drizzle, fog, but still some sunshine in there. That was a hearty and willing group of guests who laughed their way through the weather and brought sunshine to our lives! Last week it seems like fall officially hit us. The colors started to change, the air got a bit more crisp and it finally felt like September is suppose to feel around Steamboat Springs. This week is a continuation of that great weather, and we are gearing up with our cattle clinics today, and will start looking for more cows tomorrow.
Sunday is our official closing day, but we are going to sneak in a quick horsemanship clinic next week for a couple days. The staff will be heading out for off-season adventures or moving on to their next step in life. Those of us considered “lifers” will be getting together to reflect on the season, make plans on how to improve our all inclusive resort experience, and look forward to gearing up for the winter season, when we become more of a Colorado ski lodge. And, of course, even though we live in vacation paradise…we’ll probably be taking a little time to get out of town for some time off. Oh, and we have a wedding to throw in November…I’ll be posting all sorts of photos of Johanna and Javins’ wedding on November 12, in the Great room!
We hope to see you this winter for some fun in the snow!