As we woke up to the first significant snowfall of the season we all had different reactions. Some were yelling “NOOOOOO” as they looked out the window, and some were pulling on their boots as fast as possible to go throw that first snowball. Regardless of whether it’s too soon, overdue, not ready, can’t wait, we can all agree that this is a pretty good sign that our summer season is nearing the end and that winter is on its way. Will the snow melt away and we’ll have more sunny days? Yes, indeed. But, there is no denying that we’re on the tail end of what we consider our summer season.
With closing day on the horizon (next week officially, the following week unofficially as we’re hosting some retreat groups), there are bittersweet emotions making their way around the ranch. The season end always means departures for some wonderful staff. There are the ones who made the 2019 summer their first and last, a brief stop in between other endeavors in their lives. And then there are the ones who have gotten a taste of all the seasons at Vista Verde, and made the ranch their home for a year or longer. Some of those folks have called this place home for several years and have grown from wide-eyed up and coming adults to seasoned veterans of the hospitality industry who are now ready to launch into their careers and lives with a known direction and moving at full speed. While we’re excited for them to move on, it’s also a sad time for us as we say goodbye.
Topping the list of familiar faces that we’ll miss, as well as those of you who have gotten to know him over the years, is Isaac. Luckily for him, but unluckily for us, he leaves side by side with his fiance (yes, you read that right in case you hadn’t heard the news!) Catherine. Isaac is one of those people who came here as a boy and, 5+ years later, leaves a strong, confident man with a path, a purpose, and a love! We will miss having both of them as integral parts of our ranch operations, and are so excited to add their names to the long list of successful V-Harmony couples. There will be more sad goodbyes as we send off Mackenzie (more on that in a bit) who has worn so many hats in her time here at the ranch, Jake who came to learn the chef trade and leaves on a jet plane to the UK to pursue a profession in the culinary arts as well as a lovely lady (V-Harmony continuing to work it’s magic), and Catelyn, the budding artist, who has made the ranch her home this past year.
It crossed my mind the other day that Catherine and Mackenzie started at the ranch at the same time, and were the two who volunteered to write blog posts for me during their first orientation. I was hoping to share the new employee experience with our guests and followers, and they were willing participants. Ironically, after exploring various departments of ranch in their time here, they both finished in the office. So, it seemed fitting to ask them one more time to share their experience as they close out and reflect on their time at Vista Verde. In the coming week, we will be posting their send-off blog posts for you to enjoy.
Here’s to the sun coming out tomorrow and melting the snow away, at least for now. Soon enough we’ll be covered in a full blanket of snow, with the sleigh lined up and ready to go, the holiday music playing in the Lodge, and guests will be arriving for a Christmas in Colorado. Until then, we hope for a few more weeks to walk down a some of our favorite trails!