Well, we did it again. The infamous Vista Verde boot drop happened once more this week. The anticipation was dramatic, and the crowd gasped as the ranch hands slowly lowered the boots one turn of the pully at a time with the spotlight shining on it the whole time. Then came the fireworks. I’ve never figured out which is more fun–to watch the fireworks light up the sky outside the Lodge, or to watch the ranch hands jump around as they orchestrate the show. The light of the fireworks on the snow covered meadow makes it so you can see them pretty easily, and they are a hoot to watch. And with that, it was New Year’s eve officially…..at least somewhere East of the Rockies.
New Years Eve is a funny holiday. What is the common theme for how to celebrate? Staying up late and imbibing in many drinks seems to be one option. Which works for some, but not for those of us who like the quiet ranch life and want to spend our days outside recreating. Maybe I should throw in there to be with people with whom you want to send off the old year and welcome in the new. But, past that, there aren’t many symbolic things we all do that tie us together in the holiday. So, we’ve come up with our own way of ringing in the New Year and it feels just right.
It starts with the kids being whisked off on snowmobiles for the kid party bonanza, a decadent wine-pairing dinner for the adults, followed by everyone gathering for the biggest barn dance of the year in the Great Room, and the evening is capped off with the aforementioned infamous VVR boot drop and the ranch hand’s firework show right outside the Main Lodge. And the best part is everyone is back in their jammies and snuggled up in bed in time for a full night’s sleep before waking up to start off the New Year with adventures in the snow.
As our New Year’s week guests check out today, we send them off with thanks for spending the holiday with us. And to those who weren’t here to celebrate with us we wish you a Happy New Year! Here’s to a year of making great choices that lead to memorable experiences.