You know the proverb “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?” Well, we all decided, as it was dumping snow during the final days of April, that whoever came up with that didn’t live up here in the mountains of Colorado. This spring has been one of snow, snow, and more snow, mixed in with a little rain. While there have been beautiful days mixed in there, we all feel a little trapped in an eternal winter. In fact, Bill just finished his charting for the month of April and his records show that we had more snow in April than we did in February! Granted, February was a lighter snowfall month for us this past winter, but based on his records we had 20 inches of snow in February and 24 inches of snow in April. And that April snow? It’s wet, wet, wet, so there is a lot of moisture in those 24 inches.
Hopefully what this means is that the grass will be brilliantly green, and the wildflowers will be exploding all over the valley and mountains this summer. Until then, if any of you have an extra room in a warm, sunny climate, and maybe even a sandy beach, there is a good chance one of us might show up on your doorstep pretty soon. Because with a big weekend storm to close out the month of April, it seems like April is going out like a lion! To heck with March, we’re just hoping the lambs show up in May!