By Steph
We’ve had a long running joke about the TV show “As the Aspens Turn”. It would be a soap opera, possibly reality TV show about ranch life. Not that our drama here is really all that worthy of TV coverage, but hey, these days anything flies. We’d have exhausted wranglers trying to stay awake on late night foal watches. Every day mis-communications could be turned into a scene set to dramatic music. There may or may not be some relationship drama. It’s just a fun way to look at the lighter side of the human interactions that happen here at Vista Verde, so we don’t take it too seriously in the heat of the moment.
This time of year, the show would get kind of slow though. There aren’t as many people around the ranch, and there just isn’t as much going on. Not that those of us who are here aren’t busy, there are just fewer of us. However, yesterday marked the start of the start. The pre-season meetings. It’s always an exciting time as the key players gather for the first time in a month or so. First, some leadership development. This is a testament to Peggy’s investment in all of us as she brings out a leadership coach to work with all of us. Then, we’ll roll into the summer planning meetings. This is when we finalize the schedule and make sure our t’s are crossed and our i’s are dotted. Next week we’ll have a Wilderness First Aid training. It pays to be safe. Then, the staff will roll in the following week to start the official orientation. Our eye is on June 2, which is opening day!
While all this is going on, there are still horses to feed, stalls to clean, babies to be monitored and cared for, and new horses to train. In addition, there are all the ranch projects to be wrapped up. Nate and Brandon just drove to Fort Collins yesterday to get a new trailer, the other Brandon is wrapping up a new wine room and a band practice room. Charlie finished building the housekeepers and ranch hands an office space down in the machine shed. And the phone still rings with last minute reservation requests.
Though all this, the aspens are starting to bloom. So, as the aspen turn to green buds on their branches, we gear up for another great summer.