So, that’s not something you see very often at Vista Verde. The ranch covered in a blanket of snow and horseback riders herding a bunch of cows coming up the driveway. Well, for the second year running this has been our reality. During our fall round up in September, the goal is to get all the cows in before the snow flies. But, the past two years, our riders haven’t been able to get them all in as the cows have been pretty “dodgy”, to put it gently. So, when the snow covers up the grass it makes it a bit easier to lure them in. The other day some were spotted by the South Fork trail head. Ben and a couple others met up with the Bobcat and a truck full of hay. With the hay, they were able to lure about 25 cows over to an enclosed field. The next day, the wranglers saddled up and headed out to herd them up to the round pen, where it would be easier to load them into a trailer. The snow was falling and the wind was blowing, so it was a job for the hearty. Without too much trouble, they got the job done, and the cows are now back down at the Belton’s ranch, where they were supposed to be back at the end of September.
Just another day at the ranch. You never know what will happen next around here!