By Steph
We have had a lot of very special horses here at Vista Verde. The best ones are ones we can trust with the many kids who come to the ranch to be cowboys and cowgirls. Every once in a while we get one of those horses who just rises above the rest.
Pinky is one of those extra special loves. Not only has Pinky been here forever, but he has been a super rock star horse for all of those years. He didn’t need time to settle down and mellow out. He was just great from the get-go. Over the years, Pinky has been a care-giver for hundreds of kids. As a mom and a horsewoman, I can tell you there is no price tag high enough for a horse who will be trustworthy with your kids, responsive to their confusing signals and tolerant of their erratic behavior. My daughter fell in love with Pinky several years ago. Riding him a few weeks ago she was frustrated that he wouldn’t canter. What she couldn’t understand is that although Pinky’s days of going fast are long behind him, he is perfect in every way. He carries her safely. He doesn’t stop and eat grass along the way (most horses can’t resist that amazing grass out here!), he stops, go’s and turns when she asks him. He doesn’t spook at ANYTHING. He’s patient, kind and caring. Heck, this is a horse who has spent every week of his life the past 10 summers getting swarmed by a group of kids with paint on their hands as they paint Pinky.
In the past couple years, as he aged, he was used a little more lightly and just for the kids who weren’t going to ride too hard. It’s taken a lot of grain and extra care to keep him going through recent winters. With another winter looming we felt that it was time to help find Pinky a place to live out his years with a little less effort. So, as of this past weekend, Pinky has headed off to Nebraska to live with former staff member Anita. He will be used for an occasional pony ride, but will mostly live a life of leisure going forward.
For all those little people who have love Pinky, and all those parents who have trusted Pinky with their kid’s well-being, we send him off with a huge fan following and a bucket load of carrots, hugs and kisses.