Bookings for summer
While technically summer does not begin until the solstice on June 21, the dude ranch season kicks off here this weekend. We have noticed a few cases of “vacationitis” going around as summer draws near.
Here’s a quick symptom checklist. If you find you are suffering from any of the below symptoms, we can help!
Do any of these match what you are feeling?
- I haven’t had time to even think about planning a summer vacation. Is that coming soon?
- I have vacation commitment issues, so I’ve been stalling on making plans. So many choices, so much work to plan it all out.
- I have the kids for a week and don’t know what to do with them that would be memorable.
- I have an intense vacation planned but would really just like some time in Colorado to refuel my soul.
- I’m going on a trip with my family to do what they want, but what I want to do is spend my days on the back of a horse or on the trail.
- We are visiting family for our vacation. Wait, that’s not a vacation. I want one!
- I’ve got most of the summer planned out with interactive and engaging time with my kids, and suddenly I’m feeling like it might be nice to have a break from running my own personal summer camp!
If any of those resonate with you, we have a three-step treatment plan for you!
- Call VVR and book your trip. Yes, there are still spots available for the summer!
- Book your plane ticket to HDN (or DIA + a rental car).
- Draft your OOO auto reply.
Your well-being is our top concern, and we are committed to providing a cure for what ails you!