There’s nothing like making your own homemade granola instead of opening a bag of the store-bought stuff! And if you’ve ever been to the ranch, you know Melissa spoils us with some of the best breakfast treats around…the granola is no exception!
The VVR Granola is one of my favorites. Mixed with some fresh berries and yogurt….what a great way to start the day! Ben might disagree with me and opt for bacon, potatoes, and eggs, but if you’re looking for a little bit of a lighter breakfast–give this one a try!
Makes about 6 cups
5 cups rolled oats
1 ½ cups nuts (your favorite!)
¾ cups egg whites
6 Tablespoons honey or maple syrup
¼ cup wheat germ
¼ cup flax seed
1 Tablespoon vanilla
1 ½ teaspoon salt
2 cups dried fruit (we use blueberries)
- Combine egg whites, sweetener, wheat germ, flax seed, vanilla and salt in a large bowl and whip until frothy. Add the oats and nuts and combine until well coated. Spread onto a sheet pan and bake at 325 degrees F. for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.
- Remove from oven and cool completely.
- After cooled, stir in dried fruit.
- Can keep up to two weeks in an air tight container.
- Enjoy!!!!