While so many are sheltered at home, we are putting together ways to help bring you some of what you might learn at the ranch right in your living room. It’s a bit of a stretch, but let’s call these the VVR Master Classes! First up–Horsemanship
It’s a bit challenging for us to give you insights to practice when it comes to horseback riding. But don’t let that slow you down! There are ways to learn more about horses that will help you next time you get to climb on the back of one.
Mary and Sam recommend any book by Mark Rashid. He knows horses, but he also has a very approachable style when writing about them. There are also some good horse training videos. Sam is a fan of Clint Anderson’s “Respect and Control on the Ground” as well as the “Riding with Confidence” series. Watch these and you will be ahead of the curve regarding horsemanship!